February 5th 2019 - On Tuesday 19th February 2019, Professor Jeremy Johns will be speaking about the Documenting Multiculturalism Project at the University of Leeds, as part of the Institute for Medieval Studies Open Lecture Series. The talk will start at 5.30pm and is being held in the Parkinson Building. All are welcome, and there is no charge for admission. For further details, please see: https://ahc.leeds.ac.uk/medieval/events/event/975/ims-open-lecture-documenting-multiculturalism
January 7th 2019 - The Workshop for Manuscripts and Text Cultures at The Queen's College is pleased to welcome you to a new event in its Lunchtime colloquiumseries. This is an opportunity to discuss research in progress in an informal setting with both senior and younger scholars. The focus of the Workshop lies on examining material aspects of writing and text production, including inscriptions, as well as transmission and the interface between the oral and the written, across pre-modern literate societies. Each term the 2nd week colloquium hosts two academics in conversation. The next event will take place on Tuesday, 22nd of January 2019 from 12:30–14:00 pm in the Magrath Room, The Queen’s College, University of Oxford. It will host Dr Nadia Jamil (Wolfson College, University of Oxford), and Prof. Jeremy Johns (Director of the Khalili Research Centre, Fellow at Wolfson College, University of Oxford) for a co-presentation related to their project 'Documenting Multiculturalism'.
April 3rd 2018 - The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the award of an Advanced Grant of approximately 2.5 million euros to the Documenting Multiculturalism Project.
The ERC review panel judged the project to be "a remarkable example of interdisciplinary cooperation, led by top scholars ... adopting a ground-breaking, bottom-up perspective". The panel considered the use of legal documents to address legal, cultural and linguistic challenges to be one of the strengths of the project, together with the usefulness of the research tools that will be produced, which will have a major impact on knowledge in the field. The panel also noted the international partnership between the University of Oxford and the Università degli Studi di Palermo to be a particular strength.
April 27th 2017 - The Barakat Trust, a UK Registered Charity that supports the study and preservation of Islamic heritage, architecture, archaeology, art and culture by funding students, academic research, publications, digitisation, conservation, conferences and other projects, has made a generous grant of £8,000 towards the costs of digitising the Arabic documents of Norman and Hohenstaufen Sicily.