Siglum: HCH 71  Script: Safaitic

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l ʿwḏ bn s¹r bn ʿwḏ bn ʾs¹lm w ʿrf ḫl -h mt f wlh ʿl- -h w wgm ʿl- hrs¹ w ʿl- s²ʿṯm w ʿl- dtm w ʿl- gbny w ʿl- rmḥt ʾḫwl -h mḥrbn w ḥll w gls¹ s¹nt qtl ḥw{ṣ}t w b{y}gʾ w ḫrṣ ḏ- ʾl tm f h lt s¹lm m- bʾs¹

By ʿwḏ son of S¹r son of ʿwḏ son of ʾs¹lm and ʿrf his maternal uncle who had died and mourned deeply for him and he grieved for Hrs¹ and for S²ʿṯm and for Dtm and for Gbny and for Rmḥt his maternal uncles who had been in war. And he stopped [there] and he camped in the year in which Ḥwṣt and {Blgʾ} and Ḫrṣ of the lineage of Tm were killed. So O Lt [grant] security from affliction

Apparatus Criticus
HCH: the letters l hnʾ [see HCH 71.1] are read between wgm and ʿl- and translated as By ḥnʾ between mourned and deeply; ḥwṣt for ḥwṣt and blgʾ for b{y}gʾ; translation of w ʿrf ḫl -h mt w wlh ʿl- -h "and he knew his maternal uncle died and mourned By Hnʾ deeply for him"; translation of ʾḫwl -h mrḥbn "his maternal uncles who had been in war"; translation of s¹nt qtl ḥwṣt w blgʾ w ḫrṣ "in the year in which were killed Ḥwṣt and Blgʾ and Ḫrṣ".

Is w blgʾ readable ? mbʾ{s} ? Complete empty fields. The letters l hnʾ written between the lines containing mt f and w ʿl s²ʿṯm have been read as a separate text.


Country: Jordan
Region: Al-Mafraq Governorate
Site: Cairn of Haniʾ
Map reference: 360.185 (Palestine Belt Grid)
Latitude: 32.238590
Longitude: 37.249047
Present Location: Amman Museum J (1824)
Field collector: G.L. Harding
Notes: H5/Safawi
Associated Inscriptions: HCH 71.1
Associated Remains: Cairn

[HCH] Harding, G.L. The Cairn of Haniʾ. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 2, 1953: 8-56, pls 1-7.

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