Siglum: HCH 101 Script: Safaitic
l grmlh bn mḥrb bn ḃnt bn ms¹k w wgm ʿl- ʾs¹ w ʿl- fḍḥ w ʿl- bgrt rġm mny
By Grmlh son of Mḥrb son of Bnt son of Ms¹k and he grieved for ʾs¹ and for Fḍḥ and for Bgrt struck down by Fate
Apparatus Criticus
HCH: s²ḍḥ for fḍḥ and ʾbh for ʾs¹. JSafN p. 119 n. 62: read fḍḥ for s²ḍḥ. MCAM: ʾs¹ for ʾbh.
There is a cartouche surrounding the text.
Country: Jordan
Region: Al-Mafraq Governorate
Site: Cairn of Haniʾ
Map reference: 360.185 (Palestine Belt Grid)
Latitude: 32.238590
Longitude: 37.249047
Present Location: Amman Museum J (1906)
Field collector: G.L. Harding
Notes: H5/Safawi
Associated Remains: Cairn
[HCH] Harding, G.L. The Cairn of Haniʾ. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 2, 1953: 8-56, pls 1-7.
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