Sigla: C 2803; Dunand 275 Script: Safaitic
l mlk bn ʾtm bn ʾlh w rʿy h- mʿzy w wrd h- nmrt f h bʿls¹mn rwḥ b- mṭr
By Mlk son of ʾtm son of ʾlh and he pastured the goats and watered at Al-Namārah and so O Bʿls¹mn [grant] relief through rain
Apparatus Criticus
C: wrd "he went down to" for "he watered at"
Domestic animals
Country: Syria
Region: Rif Dimashq
Site: Zalaf (j) "In the neighbourhood of Zalaf, near Wādī al-Shām " (C p. 304).
Latitude: 32.9269
Longitude: 37.3296
Present Location: In situ
Find date: 1920s and 1930s
Field collector: Maurice & Mireille Dunand
Notes: Zalaf itself consists of three, or possibly more, wells and some trees, but the Dunands used its name to cover a large area surrounding the place itself. This is subdivided into areas to which we have given the names Zalaf (a) to Zalaf (m). C (p. 199), following the Dunands, says that Zalaf is about 10 km south of Riǧm Qaʿqūl, but in fact it is more like 5.5 km to the south-south-west. Since "Zalaf" is used in C of a wide area, and the descriptions of the sub-areas are often very vague, the co-ordinates given here are necessarily approximate.
Associated Signs: Cartouche
[C] Ryckmans, G. Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum: Pars Quinta, Inscriptiones Saracenicae Continens: Tomus I, Fasciculus I, Inscriptiones Safaiticae. Paris: E Reipublicae Typographeo, 1950–1951.
[Dunand] Safaitic inscriptions copied by Maurice and Mireille Dunand in the basalt desert of southern Syria in the 1920s and 1930s and published in G. Ryckmans (ed.), Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum. Pars V. Inscriptiones Saracenicas continens, Tomus 1. Inscriptiones Safaiticae. (2 volumes). Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1950-1951.
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