Sigla: WR.C 5; MISS.I 2  Script: Safaitic

l ʾtm bn rb w gd mly s²ʿr

By ʾtm son of Rb and the words [i.e. the inscription] of S²ʿr were good

WR.C 1-8 are on rock A, a large rock face overlooking Wādī Rushaydah just upstream of its confluence with a tributary.

See Macdonald MCA, Al Mu
ʾazzin & Nehmé 1996: 484–485 for a commentary on this text. For gd as a verb compare Classical Arabic ǧāda "to be good, excellent" (Lane 481a-b).


Country: Syria
Region: Al-Suweidah
Site: Site 32.2. At the confluence of Wādī Rushaydah and an unnamed wadi
Site number: 32.2
Map reference: Lambert syrien x = 258 120; y = 84
Latitude: approximately 32.6857
Longitude: approximately 36.8756
Present Location: In situ
Find date: 1995
Field collector: The SESP team
Survey: The Safaitic Epigraphic survey Programme (SESP)
Notes: Some 8 km from the village of Rushaydah on the road to Zalaf. A cairn on the right bank of Wādī Rushayda, on a promontory at its confluence with another smaller wadi coming from the south-west. The promontory is littered with huge boulders and fallen pieces of the cliff. The highest point of the promontory is crowned with a cairn, itself surmounted by a small cylindrical tower of stones. At the foot of the cairn are 2 Bedouin tombs. Site 32.2 is approximately 20 m north of this tower. This is site I in Macdonald, Al Muʾazzin & Nehmé 1996.
Associated Signs: Cartouche
Associated Inscriptions: WR.C 1-4, 6-8

Lane, E.W. An Arabic-English Lexicon, Derived from the Best and Most Copious Eastern Sources. (Volume 1 in 8 parts [all published]). London: Williams & Norgate, 1863-1893. Number: 481a-b

Macdonald, M.C.A., Al Muʾazzin, M. & Nehmé, L. Les inscriptions safaïtiques de Syrie, cent quarante ans après leur découverte.
Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions & Belles-Lettres 1996: 435-494. Pages: 484-485 Number: I 2

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