Siglum: Al-Ḫuraybah 12  Script: Dadanitic

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1: ddn/hṯbt/mṯb/w hwḍʾt/ʾḍm/l- ḏġbt/mrʾ
2: -h/f rḍy/w s¹ʿd/ʿm -h
3: bny/bn/ʾws¹/h- ṣnʿ/ʿbd/l- mrʾ -h/f rḍy -h

1: Ddn offered donations and hwḍʾt ʾḍm to Ḏġbt, her
2: lord, and so may he favour and help her family [or paternal uncle or grandfather]
3: Bny son of ʾws¹, the artisan, made [this] for his lord and so may it satisfy him

Apparatus Criticus
Line 1.
hwḍʾt ʾḍm, Al-Saʿīd: '(she) offered presents'.
Line 2.
s¹ʿd, Al-Saʿīd: '(the deity) made her lucky'.

Hidalgo-Chacón Díez 2016: 128, for the divine name

Ddn is treated as a female personal name. It may be possible to consider it as the population of a place name, so "the people of Ddn" using a metonymy: the inhabitants for the place name.

Deity Relatives Religion

Country: Saudi Arabia
Region: Al-Madīnah
Site: Oasis of al-ʿUlā
Latitude: 26.616667
Longitude: 37.916667
Present Location: In situ (139, D.4)
Notes: Al-Ḫuraybah

[Al-Ḫuraybah] Al-Saʿīd, S.F. Nuqūš dādān: dalālah wa-ʾl-maḍmūn. Pages 281-302 in Al-Saʿīd, S.F. & Al-Ghazī, ʿA. (eds), Kunūz aṯariyyah min dādān. Natāʾiǧ tanqībāt al-mawāsim al-sabaʿah al-ūlā. Volume 2. (Dirāsāt āṯāriyyah mīydāniyyah, 1). Riyadh: Al-ǧamʿiyah al-saʿūdiyyah li-l-dirāsāt al-aṯariyyah, 1434–1435/2013–2014. Pages: 293–295 Number: 4

Hidalgo-Chacón Díez. M. del C. The divine names at Dadan: a philological approach.
Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 46, 2016: 125–136 Pages: 128

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