Siglum: Al-Ḫuraybah 17  Script: Dadanitic

---- - /- /----
----{}//- //- - -/[]----
----{}/ -/ -/ ----
----//- // ----

0: [----]
1: f/mm----
2: ---- l- ddn/l- ʾbd/----
3: ----rs¹/mn/s¹rqt/ʾym----
4: ----{m}n/s¹rq/f- ʾn/yṣbr/b- m- -h/s¹r[q]----
5: ----{d}n/thḍ -h/kll -h/f ḥṯm ----
6: ----hs¹rqt/yṭb/h- s¹rq/ʾw/y ----
7: ----bh

0: [----]
f mm----
2: ---- to Ddn for ever ----
3: ---- rs¹ who steals any ----
4: ----{who} stole, thus he should be arrested for what {he has stolen} ----
5: ----{d}n breaks the whole of it and so
ḥṯm ----
6: ---- the robbery whether the thief keeps or y----
7: ----bh

Apparatus Criticus
Line 1. Al-Saʿīd:
f mmmḥ{b} rather than f mm----.
Line 2. Al-Saʿīd: l- ʾbd {ṣ}---- for l- ʾbd----.
Line 3. Al-Saʿīd:
----[y]ḥrs¹ for ----rs¹ and ʾym{n}---- for ʾym----.


Country: Saudi Arabia
Region: Al-Madīnah
Site: Oasis of al-ʿUlā
Latitude: 26.616667
Longitude: 37.916667
Present Location: In situ (109, D.2.)
Notes: Al-Ḫuraybah

[Al-Ḫuraybah] Al-Saʿīd, S.F. Nuqūš dādān: dalālah wa-ʾl-maḍmūn. Pages 281-302 in Al-Saʿīd, S.F. & Al-Ghazī, ʿA. (eds), Kunūz aṯariyyah min dādān. Natāʾiǧ tanqībāt al-mawāsim al-sabaʿah al-ūlā. Volume 2. (Dirāsāt āṯāriyyah mīydāniyyah, 1). Riyadh: Al-ǧamʿiyah al-saʿūdiyyah li-l-dirāsāt al-aṯariyyah, 1434–1435/2013–2014. Pages: 299–300 Number: 9

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