Sigla: SHI 36; Ja 2125; Potts 1990, II: 77;  Script: Hasaitic

/{} ----
{}//{}{} ----

1: nfs¹/{w} qbr ----
2: {b}nt/lḥy/{b}{n} ----
3: [ḏ]ʾt/ʾl/s¹----

1: Memorial {and} grave of ----
2: {daughter of} Lḥy {son of} ----
3: {she of} the lineage of S¹----

Apparatus Criticus
Line 1.
nfs¹, Sima: 'Tombstone'.
Lines 1–3. Jamme 1996: 'Tombstone {and} grave of the daughter of Laḥay Ba{n}[ay] [h]er of the clan of Sa[..]'; Jamme 1970: 'Tombstone {and} grave of the daughter of Laḥay Bayn] {he}r of the clan of Saʿ[d]'.

The photograph is among those taken by the late Professor Maḥmūd al-Ghūl on his visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1966.

Funerary Women Lineage Genealogy Building

Country: Saudi Arabia
Region: Eastern Province
Site: Al-Qaṭīf
Latitude: 26.5208
Longitude: 50.02452
Present Location: National Museum, Riyadh (Riyadh Museum 9 (in Jamme 1970: 124))
Find date: August 1966
Notes: Jamme (1967: 186) quotes James P. Mandaville, who sent him the photograph: 'inscription discovered in the town of al-Qatif, August 1966. Found by workmen digging a ditch about 50 metres west of the Admirate building at a depth of 40 inches below street level ... stoine is now in custody of Qatif Municipality.' (Letter to Jamme 21-08-1966).

Gazdar, M.S., Potts, D.T., Livingstone, A. Excavations at Thaj. Atlal 8, 1984: 55-108, pl. 60-90. Plates: 90A

[Ja] Jamme, A. New Ḥasaean and Sabaean Inscriptions from Saudi Arabia.
Oriens Antiquus 6, 1967: 181-187, pl. 47-49. Pages: 186

[Ja] Jamme, A. The Pre-Islamic Inscriptions of the Riyâdh Museum.
Oriens Antiquus 9, 1970: 115-139. Pages: 124

Potts, D.T.
The Arabian Gulf in Antiquity. (2 volumes). Oxford: Clarendon, 1990. Volume: II Pages: 77

[SHI] Sima, A. Die hasaitischen Inschriften. Pages 167-200 in N. Nebes (ed.),
Neue Beiträge zur Semitistik. Erstes Arbeitstreffen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Semitistik in der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft vom 11. bis 13. September 2000 an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. (Jenaer Beiträge zum Vorderen Orient, 5). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2002. Pages: 185–186

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