Sigla: WTay 01.2; Ph 266.b (lines 2–3); Kootstra 2016: 118  Script: Taymanitic


1: lm zʾb mn s¹mʿ l- ṣlm l twy

1: By Zʾb, whoever listens to Ṣlm will not perish

Apparatus Criticus
Van den Branden:
l- mhk b-mn s¹mʿ nṣr rather than lm zʾb mn s¹mʿ l- ṣlm l twy.
Winnett & Reed: nm ḏʾb mn s¹mʿl for lm zʿb mn s¹mʿ.

Winnett & Reed:
ṣlm ltwy as 'he has turned away'; l twy, Winnett: 'let him bow down'.

The reading here is that of Kootstra 2016: 118.

Winnett 1980: 134–135, on
mn s¹mʿ l- ṣlm l- twy.

Deity Religion

Country: Saudi Arabia
Region: Tabūk
Site: Ǧabal Ghunaym, near to Taymāʾ
Site number: 19
Map reference: 27.5032 N 38.58391667 E (DD based on Ṭāriq 2013)
Latitude: 27.5032
Longitude: 38.58392
Present Location: In situ

Kootstra, F. The Language of the Taymanitic Inscriptions and its Classification. Arabian Epigraphic Notes 2, 2016: 67–140 Pages: 118

[Ph] Van den Branden, A.
Les textes thamoudéens de Philby. (2 volumes). (Bibliothèque du Muséon, 39 and 41). Louvain: Institut orientaliste, 1956. Volume: 2 Pages: 20 Plates: V

[WTay] Winnett, F.V. & Reed, W.L.
Ancient Records from North Arabia. with contributions by J.T. Milik and J. Starcky. (Near and Middle East Series, 6). Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1970. Pages: 93–95 Plates: 18, 21

Winnett, F.V. A Reconsideration of Some Inscriptions from the Tayma Area.
Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 10, 1980: 133-140. Pages: 134–135

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