Siglum: KJC 761  Script: Hismaic

w dʿ ds²ry tnn

And may Ds²ry call Tnn

Apparatus Criticus
King (1990: 463) commented: "For prayers of this type, see Ch.4.C.2. See KJC 758".

Note the use of d instead of  in the divine name ds²ry, a possible Aramaism". See Macdonald (in press, f).

Deity Prayer Religion

Country: Jordan
Region: ʿAqabah Governorate
Site: Wādī Ǧudayid, site C
Latitude: 29.913152
Longitude: 35.4973355
Present Location: In situ
Field collector: Geraldine King

[KJC] King, G.M.H. Early North Arabian Thamudic E. A preliminary description based on a new corpus of inscriptions from the Ḥismā desert of southern Jordan and published material. Ph.D thesis, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1990. [Unpublished]. 1990. Pages: 463

Macdonald, M.C.A. Clues as to how a Nabataean may have spoken from a Hismaic inscription. Pages 231–239 in G.R. Smith,
Near Eastern and Arabian Essays: Studies in Honour of John Healey. (Journal of Semitic Studies Supplement, 41) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018

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