Siglum: KhMa 2  Script: Hismaic

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[l] flhn bn ḥn bn ʾtm ḏ- ʾl n ---- w s¹qm l- ʾlh ṣʿb f tḍrʿ w tʿny w ts²[d]{d} l- -h b- kll m fʿl w nḏr ʾrbʿ ʾs¹lʿt mnrt w ʿfnt w ytḥl b- ṣḥry w l lk trḥm ʿly w ḏkrt lt ʾs²yʿ -n kll -h{m} {ṣ}dr w hbdn w ʾṣlḥ w ʿqrb w bn---- whblh w ʿwḏlh w zd w bnḥrb w {ʿ}dn w mlk bn s¹ʿdlh w ʾṯl w ws²k[t] [w] ʿbd{t} w ys²ʿ w s¹m w ḏkrt lt mn ys²ʿn -n w lʿnt lt mn yḫ[r]bs² wqʿ -n ḏ

By Flhn son of Ḥn son of ʾtm of the lineage of N---- and he sinned against the god Ṣʿb, and so had been reduced to abject supplication and suffered greatly; and so he exerted himself for his sake in all that he has done and vowed four commodity lots/silver-shekel weights of Indigo and Verdigris pigments and then secluded himself in the desert in order that you might indeed show mercy upon me; and may Lt be mindful of all of our companions, {Ṣdr} and Hbdn and ʾṣlḥ and ʿqrb and Bn---- [and] Whblh and ʿwḏlh and Zd and Bnḥrb and {ʿdn} and Mlk son of S¹ʿdlh and ʾṯl and {Ws²kt} {and} {ʿbdt} and Ys²ʿ and S¹m and may Lt be mindful of whosoever leagues with us and may Lt curse whosoever obscures this writing of ours

Apparatus Criticus
Graf and Zwettler (2004: 55) commented: "This inscription has been designated by the Wadi ath-Thamad (= WT) Survey Project as "Thamudic Text 1" (= TT-1) and the site registered as WT Site 16. The inscription is carved on one side of a dressed stone, which in 1996 was located at the south-west corner of the ruins of a large building (B-100; 35.50 X 34.90 m), but may have once served as a lintel in the building whose remains now consist only of the lower courses of wall stones visible at ground level".

For a discussion of the meaning of the word wqʿ see MST p. 6, n. 26.

Genealogy Deity Religion Curse

Country: Jordan
Region: Mādabā Governorate
Site: Wādī Thamad, near Mādabā
Latitude: 31.71
Longitude: 35.79
Present Location: In situ

Graf, D.F. & Zwettler, M.J. The North Arabian "Thamudic E" Inscription from Uraynibah West. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 335, 2004: 53-89. Pages: 71–83

[MST] Macdonald, M.C.A. The Seasons and Transhumance in the Safaitic Inscriptions.
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 3rd. series, 2, 1992: 1-11.

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