Siglum: KhMa 1  Script: Hismaic

[] [?] ---- [] [?] ---- [?] - - - [] - - - [?] ... - - - [?] [] [] [] [] []

[b]n dʾ[l?] ---- [w] s¹qm f tḍrʿ w tʿny w kʿ l [?] ---- [lʾ?] lh ṣʿb fl ymḥl -h w ys²k l- -h w [ḥ]bs¹ nfs¹ -h ʿl -h w ytrḥm ʿl -h w ynl[h?] ... w yhb l- -h ḥnn f ygzy nḏr -h w yzd w ḏkrt lt ʾrs² bn ʾs¹lh w lws¹ bn ʾrs² w hnyt bn zdqm w bn w ks¹ [?] [w] ʾnʿm bn qṭr w s²km w rs¹l w ʾmr w ṣʿb w mḫn w ʿbd w ʿbdlt [w] ʿbd w ḫlṣt w wtr w zbd w ʾs¹y bn ʾbnklbt w s¹ly w ʿbdmnkw [w] bnbnḥ[w]wʿl w whbʾl[h] w rbs²kt

---- he [sc. the author (?)] has contracted a (chronic/mortal) illness and so has been reduced to abject supplication, afflicted with distress [or recurrent fever], and brought to craven infirmity because of/due to [?] ---- [he has made petition [?] to/for (the)?] god Ṣaʿb: May he/would that he [sc. the god Ṣaʿb] strengthen/invigorate/sustain him [sc. the author] and relieve him of his complaint–he [sc. the author] {having devoted} himself wholly/exclusively to him [sc. the god Ṣaʿb]! And let him [Ṣaʿb] be compassionate toward him and grant/endow/bestow upon [him?] ---- and give him tender sustenance and blessing, so that he [sc. the author] may satisfy his vow and do even more! And may Allāt be mindful of ʾrs² son of ʾs¹lh and Lws¹ son of ʾrs² and Hnyt son of Zdqm and Bn and Ks¹ [?] {and} ʾnʿm Qṭr and S²km and Rs¹l and ʾmr and Ṣʿb and Mḫn and ʿbd and ʿbdlt {and} ʿbd and Ḫlṣt and Wtr and Zbd and ʾs¹y son of ʾbnklbt and S¹ly and ʿbdmnkw {and ----} son of Bnḥ[---- and] Wʿl and {Whbʾlh} ---- and Rbs²kt

Apparatus Criticus
Graf & Zwettler: "The text is identifiable Arabic–certainly Old if not Classical Arabic".

Genealogy Deity Religion Blessing Prayer

Country: Jordan
Region: Mādabā Governorate
Site: Uraynibah al-Gharbīyah
Latitude: 31.63815
Longitude: 35.9355
Present Location: In situ

Graf, D.F. & Zwettler, M.J. The North Arabian "Thamudic E" Inscription from Uraynibah West. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 335, 2004: 53-89. Pages: 53–71

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