PROFESSOR EMANUELE CONTE (Advisory Committee) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. webpage graduated from the Faculty of History, University of Rome “La Sapienza” and wrote his PhD in Legal History at the University of Milano-Statale. He is Full Professor of Legal History, Faculty of Law, University of Roma Tre, and Directeur d'Études, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociale - EHESS (Centre d’Etudes en Normes Juridiques - CENJ), Paris. His principal research interests lie in the fields of legal historiography, the use of history as a legal argument, the construction of law as a scholastic discipline in the Middle Ages, and law and the humanities in a historical perspective. He is the author of six monographs, five edited works, and more than sixty articles, many available at He serves on the editorial boards of numerous international, peer-reviewed journals, including Journal of Comparative Legal History; Medieval Law and Its Practice; Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Commune; Studies in the History of Law and Justice; and Bullettino dell’Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo. Since 2017, he has been Senior Researcher on the ERC-funded project Civil Law, Common Law, Customary Law at the University of St Andrews (P.I. Prof. John Hudson).
PROFESSOR ADALGISA DE SIMONE (Advisory Committee) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. webpage was for many years Extraordinary Professor of Arabic Language and Literature at the University of Palermo before taking early retirement. She is currently a fellow of the Accademia Nazionale di Scienze Lettere e Arti di Palermo and the Istituto Siciliano di Studi Bizantini e Neoellenici ‘Bruno Lavagnini’ di Palermo. Her research has focused on modern and contemporary Arabic literature, on the Arabic of Sicily during the Middle Ages, and above all on the historical and literary sources for Islamic Sicily and eighteenth-century Palermo. In addition to many articles, book reviews, translations of modern Arabic fiction, and edited works — including Studi arabo-islamici in memoria di Umberto Rizzitano (Mazara del Vallo, 1980) — she is the author of Palermo nei geografi e viaggiatori arabi nel medioevo (Naples, 1968), La luna risplendente: Palermo nei ricordi di un ambasciatore marocchino del ’700 (Mazara del Vallo, 1979), La descrizione dell’Italia nel Rawḍ al-Miʿṭār di al-Ḥimyarī (Mazara del Vallo, 1984), Splendori e misteri di Sicilia in un’opera di Ibn Qalāqis (Soveria Mannelli, 1996), Nella Sicilia “araba”: tra storia e filologia (Palermo, 1999) and (with Giuseppe Mandalà), L’immagine araba di Roma: i geografi del medioevo - secoli IX-XV (Bologna, 2002).
PROFESSOR HORST ENZENSBERGER (Advisory Committee) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. homepage webpage studied the ancillary sciences of history, Byzantine studies and medieval Latin philology at the University of Munich and University of Rome “La Sapienza”, before receiving his doctorate at the University of Munich with Peter Acht and Peter Herde. After lecturing at Frankfurt am Main, he moved to Bamberg in 1982, where he was Professor of the Ancillary Sciences of History from 1985 until his retirement in 2010. He also lectured in the same subject at the University of Würzburg, and has held visiting fellowships at the universities of Chieti and Palermo. He is an internationally renowned specialist in the documents of Southern Italy in the eleventh to thirteeenth centuries, and in the chanceries of the Norman rulers of Sicily and their Hohenstaufen successors. Amongst his indispensable publications in this field are: Beiträge zum Kanzlei- und Urkundenwesen der normannischen Herrscher Unteritaliens und Siziliens (Kallmünz, 1971); Italien im Mittelalter. Neuerscheinungen von 1959–1975 (with Alfred Haverkamp, Historische Zeitschrift, Sonderheftvol. 7, Munich 1980: Süditalien, pp. 299–447), and the edition of the documents of King William I — Guillelmi I. regis diplomata in the series Codex diplomaticus regni Siciliae, 1: Diplomata regum et principum e gente Normannorum 3(Cologne and Vienna,1996). His edition of the documents of King William II is in progress online at In addition, he has published more than a hundred articles, conference papers, reviews and other studies, many of which are available from He has long been an active champion of the application of information technology and the internet to the study of medieval history, and is a long-term member of the Virtual Library Historische Hilfswissenschaften.
PROFESSOR LUCA LOSCHIAVO (Advisory Committee) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. webpage graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, and wrote his PhD in Medieval and Modern History of Law at the universities of Turin, Milan, Bologna, Rome and Catania. He is currently Full Professor of the History of Medieval and Modern Law at the University of Teramo (since 2005) and in the Faculty of Law of the University of Roma Tre (since 2013). His principal research interests lie in the juridical history of the West in the High Middle Ages, including the revival of legal jurisprudence, and the common law. He is particularly interested in the circulation and manuscript tradition of Roman legal texts in the early Middle Ages, the rediscovery of Justinian’s Corpus iuris civilis in the 11th century, and its study by the early generations of glossators. He has also investigated the encounters between the Roman Empire and early Christian communities, and between Germanic societies and the juridical cultures of the romanised West in the early Middle Ages. He is author of three monographs, and of many articles, reviews and other studies. He serves on the editorial boards of the following peer-reviewed journals: Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Comune, Rivista di Storia del Diritto Italiano and Teoria e Storia del Diritto Privato.
PROFESSOR SANTO LUCÀ (Advisory Committee) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. webpage graduated in Classics from the University of Messina, and has taught Greek and Latin Paleography at the University of Roma "Tor Vergata" since 1985, first as Associate Professor, then as Extraordinary Professor (2000), and finally as Full Professor (2003). He is Professor of Greek Paleography by invitation in the Faculty of Eastern Ecclesiastical Studies at the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome, President of the Associazione Italiana Paleografi e Diplomatisti, Member of the Associazione Italiana di Studi Bizantini, a Corresponding Member of the Istituto Siciliano di Studi Bizantini e Neoellenici “Bruno Lavagnini”, and a Member of the Comité Internazionale di Paleografia greca. He has been co-director of the journal Nea Rhome: Rivista di Ricerche Bizantinistiche, and of the same journal’s Quaderni, since its foundation in 2004. He is also on the editorial board of Rivista di Studi Bizantini e Neoellenici, Erytheia (Madrid), Orpheus (Catania), Litterae Caelestes (Roma), Schede Medievali (Palermo), and Archivio Storico per la Calabria e la Lucania. He is principally interested in palaeography and the history of the book in the Byzantine and post-Byzantine communities of Italy, especially South Italy and Sicily. He has studied in particular manuscript production and Greek scripts in Calabria and Campania, from the "Scuola Niliana" to the minuscule of Rossano. He has edited the Anonymus in Ecclesiasten commentarius qui dicitur Catena Trium Patrum for the Corpus christianorum (Turnhout and Leueven, 1984), authored a catalogue of the Manoscritti "rossanesi" conservati a Grottaferrata (Grottaferrata, 1986), and published numerous analytical studies and syntheses on book production in Byzantine and post-Byzantine Italy, especially in Calabria, Sicily and Salento.
PROFESSOR MARINA RUSTOW (Advisory Committee) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. webpage studied Literature at Yale, and then wrote her PhD at Columbia with Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi. She is currently Khedouri A. Zilkha Professor of Jewish Civilization in the Near East and Professor of Near Eastern Studies and History at Princeton University. She has won many prestigious awards, including the MacArthur Fellowship 2015. She is a social historian of the medieval Middle East, and works with medieval documents, especially sources from the Cairo Geniza, and with other Arabic papyri and paper documents from Egypt. She is Director of the Princeton Geniza Lab. Her current research is centred around a set of related questions: what makes social and religious groups cohere and fragment; how people demanded justice of the state and facilitated or resisted its extraction of resources; how written documents structured the exercise of power and the creation and maintenance of social bonds; and how to decode the graphic and semiotic features of documents. She also studies the use of the Arabic language by the Jews of Sicily in the years following the expulsion of the Muslims from the island in the thirteenth century. In addition to many articles, most available via, she is the author of Heresy and the Politics of Community: The Jews of the Fatimid Caliphate (Cornell University Press, 2008), and is currently writing a book on the Fatimid state documents preserved in the Cairo Geniza (Princeton University Press, forthcoming).
PROFESSOR VERA VON FALKENHAUSEN (Advisory Committee) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. webpage read Byzantine studies at the University of Munich, where she wrote her doctoral thesis in 1966 under Hans-Georg Beck. In 1968–70, she held a postdoctoral fellowship at the Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies in Washington, D.C. She has been a member of the German Historical Institute in Rome since 1970. She was active from 1974 as Professor of Byzantine History and Literature at the universities of Pisa, Basilicata (Potenza), Chieti, and finally Roma Tor Vergata, and became Professor Emeritus in 2007. She is Honorary President of the Associazione Italiana di Studi Bizantini. Her field of research covers the various aspects of Byzantine rule in southern Italy and Sicily, especially the analysis and critical edition of Greek primary sources, including the Greek documents of Byzantine and post-Byzantine Italy and Sicily. Since 2006 she has been the editor of the Archivio Storico per la Calabria e la Lucania, and she is a member of the scientific advisory council of the journal Nea Rhome: Rivista di Ricerche Bizantinistiche, founded in 2004, and of many other journals. She is the author of La dominazione bizantina nell’Italia meridionale dal IX all’XI secolo (Bari, 1978) and some two hundred articles and studies, many available online at